Friday 1st of November our offices will be exceptionally closed.

Frequently asked questions

How much are the shipping costs?

Shipping costs are calculated based on the weight of your package, where it needs to go and how quickly you want to receive it.

Which delivery services do you work with to ship my order?

We work with UPS and DHL.

Is it possible to track my order?

You will receive a tracking number via e-mail on the day your order is despatched. You can use this number to track your order.

Does someone need to be available at the delivery address to take receipt of the package?

Packages are often too large to fit through the letterbox. We therefore recommend that someone is present to accept the package. If this fails, UPS will deliver the parcel to the nearest collection point. DHL attempts delivery of the parcel several more times at the address provided.

In which file type should I submit my artwork?

To guarantee the best quality, we always ask you to send us your logo in a vector file (.eps, .pdf or .ai). It is also important to place all text in outlines.

How do I convert my text to outlines?

In Adobe Illustrator, you select the text and use the key combination Ctrl+Shift +O (Windows) or Cmd+Shift+O (Mac). Or you select the text and click the right mouse button. Here you choose 'Create outlines'. Now your text is in letter outlines.

How do I provide variable data?

Provide us with the variable data in an Excel file. Per row, put the value for one token. If you want 2 different dates on 1 token, put the 2nd value in the next column.

Do you have a graphics team to create my design?

You can contact our sales employees if you would like help with your design. Please note that we are not professional designers.

Do you offer a fastlane for urgent orders?

If you need any of our products at short notice, give us a call. We will be happy to see what we can do.

What are the payment methods available?

The payment methods available are: Visa, Maestro, Mastercard, Apple Pay, PayPal and Google Pay. Payment by traditional bank transfer is also possible.